
Please diarise the following exciting events for the year!

International Championship (India) 30 August 2015
We have been invited by the Abacus Maths Association of South Africa to join them at the International Soroban and Mental Arithmetic Championship to be held this year in India. The Championship will be hosted by the original SEMAS International Company based in India. The organisers of the Championship are called Gajsma (Global Association of Japanese Soroban and Mental Arithmetic). Only our advanced students can be selected for this Championship and selection is based on the child’s level of performance and commitment and readiness..

KZN Regional Championship 12 September 2015

Our annual KZN Regional Championship will be held again this year at St.Agnes Church in Kloof. It was a huge success last year and we look forward to hosting this successful and exciting event again this year.

W.Cape Regional Championship 19 September 2015

Our annual W.Cape Regional Championship will be held this year in Rondebosch.
We look forward to hosting this successful and exciting event again this year.

National Championship 24 October 2015

We are pleased to announce that we are members of the Abacus Maths Association of South Africa (who are affiliated to Tomoe Soroban Co. in Japan). As part of the Association, we are able to compete Nationally along with other abacus tuition institutions in South Africa. This is a great opportunity for our children, and this will be the first time our students will be competing against other institutions in South Africa. We are proud to have the honour of attending this Championship each year!