Your child will start on the Fun-Abagility (fundamental) level. When your child has completed the Fun-Abagility level they will move onto Junior Abagility and once this level has been completed they will move on to Advanced Abagility.
If your child starts Abagility Maths Club in Grade R-1:
Your child will start with the Junior Abagility level. When your child has completed the Junior Abagility level they will move onto Advanced Abagility.
If your child starts Abagility Maths Club in Grade 2 upwards:
They will start with the Senior Abagility level. When your child has completed the Senior Abagility level they will move onto Advanced Abagility.
Fun-Abagility (Grade 00)
Learn numbers 0 - 10 using concrete learning of the number value and number concept and the introduction to the abacus.
Junior Abagility (Grade R-1)
Levels 1 – 6:
Learn the basics of the abacus, which includes the rules on how to add and subtract bonds of 5 and 10, leading to double and triple digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division tables are introduced.
Senior Abagility (Grade 2 upwards)
Levels 1 - 6:
Learn the basics of the abacus, which includes the rules on how to add and subtract bonds of 5 and 10, leading to double and triple digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division tables are introduced.
Advanced Abagility (Any age on completion of Junior or Senior Abagility)
The Advanced Abagility programme consists of 10 Modules, starting from Module 10 and moving up to Module 1 (previously called Kyu’s).
These modules cover multiplication, division, addition and subtraction on the abacus as well as advancement on the school type maths. Each level becomes more advanced than the previous one.
Whilst working through the Modules, they will learn to do more advanced mental maths starting from the addition and subtraction of double digit numbers and moving onto triple digit addition and subtraction. They will also learn to multiply and divide more complex sums mentally, starting from 2 digit x 1 digit and 3 digit ÷ 1 digit moving up to eventually being able to mentally calculate 2 digit x 2/3 digits and 4/5 digits ÷ 2 digits.